Lettuce Says,
Finally, an update! We terribly miss this blog of ours. So Sunrise and I have decided to somewhat revive this from sleeping for almost 3 years now!
In the past years, we've been rather busy with our handmade crochet business Lettuce and Sunrise which was featured in Kabuhayang Swak na Swak. We are still planning on how to move the business forward. But for now, we tapped one of our previous customer and loyal reseller, Ely of For Little Feet, to manage our Facebook account.
Then, I changed careers from being a Land Surveyor to Planning Associate for a premier real estate company. I'm currently enjoying the corporate benefits while still using my geodetic engineering skills at work. Sunrise widened our networks by attending conferences related to business and online marketing.
We also decided to GET MARRIED! by the end of this year. :)
So, that's it, we'll post snapshots of where we have been for the last year. Where we have traveled, eaten, and the emptied and refilled plates along the way, courtesy of our God Above.
Glad to be back!
Sunrise Says,
Oh yes, we are back... After a very long rest... My Empty Plates is officially back.
We promise a new range of food reviews for all foodies, and we will also expand our topics to everything and anything under the sun. It will still be a food blog but we will include our journeys, discoveries and testaments of more blessings for us... to share with all of you.
and YES we're Getting Married.
October 2012
Sunrise Says,
Oh yes, we are back... After a very long rest... My Empty Plates is officially back.
We promise a new range of food reviews for all foodies, and we will also expand our topics to everything and anything under the sun. It will still be a food blog but we will include our journeys, discoveries and testaments of more blessings for us... to share with all of you.
and YES we're Getting Married.
October 2012
*All articles and photos posted are owned by LettuceandSunrise and should not be copied and/or used without prior written authorization from us. You can always SHARE our posts with the applicable trackback by putting the corresponding links. We will also do this ethical act for other people's posts, websites, and photos that we want to share on this blog. This is a personal blog. Like a diary or journal, all the views, insights, and opinions written here are solely based on our own point of views and belong to ours alone and not of the companies we are part of. Information may not be accurate and may only be applicable at the exact time and situation we experienced it. We will not liable for any errors in this information or any losses or damages arising from its display or use.
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