When I was a kid, every Christmas or New Year we would go to Quezon City to attend our Abelgas Family Yearly Reunion. Every Time we go, we would travel from Laguna to Quezon City for two or more hours and another two or more hours back home.
Those were the days when we have no other choice but to take the bus ride since there was no MRT then, but the traffic then was not really as bad as it is now. Though I was born in Manila and grew up in Makati the only place I know when I was a kid was Opalo St. in San Andres Bukid Manila and Taguig St. in Makati, I was completely confined in the walls of our compound apartment and the only time I would go out the gate was when I would be asked to buy soy sauce or vinigar at Mang Ceasar's sari-sari store (it was just two to three steps from the gate).
Going back to our yearly reunion. I remember that we always buy saging/banana for lolo and lola before going there and every year and every year that we would go home after the reunion we go through SM North and then we would cross the street to take the bus ride back to Pacita Laguna or Alabang. Every year I would ask my parents what's beyond Quezon City, and I would point the street going to Balintawak. They would explain that it leads to Bulacan and to Baguio.
I never imagined going there, because as a kid, for me - it was too far.
Well as they always say, we can never tell our future. Now, a few days more I will be marrying a bulakenya. On the last blog post she said that she asked for a sign from Mama Mary and Jesus that if I would be there come Mama Mary's birthday September 8 2007 that it would be me, I almost never made it. I was then in Laguna, with no money and no other means to go to Bulacan, but clearly I know that I need to be with her on that day since it was a special day for Mama Mary and I need to be with whom I love on that day to celebrate it. I never new that she asked that sign. I was really praying and was asking Mama Mary's intercession that I may find enough money just to go there. Mama Mary has always been our most influential backer to God. Mama, my mom, gave me money that day, just enough for me to get there. I was really blessed, no traffic and no long lines in MRT and I was able to get there in time for the mass as if Angels has cleared the way before me.
On that day she said Yes and through Mama Mary we got our blessing from God.
Before, I used to think that I might not have a girl for myself. I thought that this was a way of God telling me, that this was my consequence when I left His house when He called me. I was wrong, because I was then just warming up for the real journey of my life. A life with Letz. A life guided by His grace and love.
On Dec. 29, 2012, on the same church, Malolos Cathedral, the Basilica Minore of Immaculate Conception, I will be facing Jesus on the altar with my future wife Letz to ask blessing, for a new life, a new journey with Mama Mary our Mother.
I can say now... Life is a journey... there are times that there are rough roads and it may be pitch dark... but if you choose to travel blessed and guided by God's grace and love... this journey is no longer a long ride but a fun ride going to a very nice vacation.
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